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tv   Wolf  CNN  January 5, 2017 10:00am-11:01am PST

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to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. ♪ hello. i'm wolf blitzer. it's 1:00 p.m. in washington. 9:00 p.m. in moscow. wherever you're watching from around the world, thanks for joining us. up first, russia did it. u.s. intelligence leaders say they are more convinced than ever that russia was behind the hacking during the 2016 election here in the united states. and that sets the stage for a clash with president-elect donald trump who has repeatedly raised doubts that russia was responsible. at a senate armed services
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committee hearing today, intel leaders again pointed the finger directly at moscow. >> director clapper, how would you describe your confidence in atributing these attacks to the russian government as opposed to someone in their basement? >> it's very high. >> you say you think this was approved at the highest level of government in russia, generally speaking. is that right? >> that's what we said. >> okay. who is the highest level of government? >> well, the highest is president putin. >> intelligence officials also were asked about what russia was trying to accomplish with the hacking. >> you stated that the report soon to be released will discuss the motive. would you care to give any kind of preview today? >> i'd rather not. >> i didn't think so. >> there are actually more than one motive.
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so that will be described in the report. >> our justice correspondent pamela brown has the latest on the hearing. pretty dramatic. manu raju has reaction on capitol hill. and our senior international correspondent fred pleitgen is joining us from moscow with reaction from the russian government. pamela, first to you. what did we learn from this hearing? >> we got a glimpse from james clapper about what's going to be in the comprehensive report coming out to the public on monday. and it's not just going to explain why the u.s. intelligence community believes russia is to blame for the hacks but also lay out the multiple motivations which is harder for officials to pin down than the evidence supporting who was behind the hack. so that's really interesting, wolf. we've learned from officials we spoke with that we'll talk about how russia tried to sow distrust in the process but also talk about why the u.s. believes, the u.s. intelligence community believes that russia was trying to hurt hillary clinton and help
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donald trump. and james clapper also went on to talk about the fact that this wasn't just a hack that russia also was pushing out fake news propaganda. and that is continuing to this day. he says this wasn't just espionage. this was activism on the part of russia. he said he is more resolute than ever that russia was behind the attacks. even more resolute than when the intelligence community sent out that october statement. and he sort of sent an implicit message to president-elect donald trump who has continually cast doubt on the intelligence community's assessment. here's what's he said. >> who actually is the benefactor of someone who is about to become commander in chief trashing the intelligence community? >> i think there is an important distinction here between healthy skepticism, which policymakers, to include policymaker number one, should always have for
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intelligence, but i think there's a difference between skepticism and disparagement. i've received many expressions of concern from foreign counterparts about the disparagement of the u.s. intelligence community, or i should say what has been interpreted as disparagement of the intelligence community. >> and, wolf, james clapper along with other leaders in the intelligence community will be briefing president-elect trump tomorrow on this comprehensive report and a hope among the officials i've spoken with is once this briefing is done that perhaps trump will get on board with the intelligence community's assessment or at least relations will improve after that. we'll have to wait and see, wolf. >> we'll wait and see what he tweets. manu, you just spoke with senator john mccain about how
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wikileaks founder julian assange plays into all of this. tell our viewers what he said. >> the first question i asked him was, what's do you hope that president-elect trump gets from this hearing. he hopes he understands how vital the intelligence agencies have been and he should actually accept what the intelligence agencieses are saying. that russia did play a role in hacking political systems and hacking during the elections. i asked john mccain, does he think that means the election was swayed to donald trump because of the russian hacking. he would not go there. he said i have to wait to see more evidence to make that case. he is calling for tougher sanctions as well and said he's not sure if he has confidence that trump will push for tougher sanctions. and then, yes, we did talk about julian assange and trump suggesting that he's a credible source and that russia did not hack into the clinton accounts and the dnc. john mccain said that assange is
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not someone anyone here should trust. >> mr. assange's name has been raised as some kind of a credible source of information. and the fact is that he is one of the worst individuals because he put the lives of men and women who were serving this nation in jeopardy because -- by revealing their identities and where they were. this is really a person who has put the lives of americans in danger. he cannot be trusted for anything. >> as you can see, really coming to a head between republicans on capitol hill and donald trump over the issue of russia and how to approach vladimir putin. something that mccain hopes that trump watched this hearing and will listen to the intelligence briefers tomorrow when they do talk to him about these hacks. but one piece of potentially good news for donald trump, i asked john mccain, what do you
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think about rex tillerson and his relationship with putin, which mccain has been critical of. mccain sounded more optimistic. he said they had a conversation yesterday, a positive conversation. he swayed some of his concerns, not all of his concerns, but clearly thinks more highly of him now after that conversation, wolf. >> manu, thanks. manu raju, thanks on capitol hill. frank pleitgen is in moscow. russia was quick to respond. what are you hearing from officials there? >> they were very quick to respond. one thing russians have been saying time and again was that they say they weren't involved in this. and so tonight as the hearing was going on, dmitri peskov, the spokesperson for vladimir putin e-mailed me during the hearing. here's what he had to say. we have suggested cooperation on compatting cyberthreats xhum russ times. it was rejected and we are sick and tired of those irresponsibly blaming everything on our country. if there's a need for an enemy,
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why not try someone else. so again, this is something that the spokesman for vladimir putin sent very, very quickly as the hearings were still going on and meshes with what the russians have been saying all along. that they weren't involved. and it's interesting because they always make a nuance. they aren't flat out denying russians were involved in all of this but they say that it wasn't any russian agencies, government agencies or military agencies as, of course, would be suggested by the fact that there have been sanctions levied against the fsb and military intelligence service here of russia as well. the spokesperson for vladimir putin always using the term official russia meaning no official russian agencies, he believes, were involved or he says were involved in all of this. >> fred, you heard the intelligence chief say that the russians use, often use what they call cutouts, third party elements, individuals to pretend it's not really russia but it really is. any reaction from the russian government to the assertion that
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the russian government is using cutouts to hack into u.s. political parties? >> so far, there hasn't been any reaction from the russians except to say, as i've said, that there wasn't any direct involvement by any sort of government agency saying that official russia wasn't involved in all this. you're right. it's something that has apparently been done in the past that there have been contractors who conducted hacking who may have sold their information to russian government agencies. it's something we've heard from experts on this. boet both here in russia and the u.s. whether it was done in this case is something we'll have to wait and see in the report whether or not that happened. certainly the russians flat out saying they had nothing to do with this. at least their government agencies had nothing to do with this. whether or not something was done somewhere in the cybersphere, obviously, is something they are leaving open at this point. >> fred pleitgen in moscow, thanks very much.
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while senior intelligence officials and many lawmakers agree russia was behind the election hacking it puts them at odds with the next u.s. commander in chief. president-elect trump has continually rejected that conclusion and now sources say he's vowing potentially to overhaul the u.s. intelligence community. let's talk about that and more with our justice correspondent evan perez and chief national security correspondent jim sciutto. they are here with me. our senior white house correspondent jim acosta is outside trump tower in new york city. what more can you tell us about potential changes in the intelligence community that the trump team is looking at? >> wolf, i think at this point, these are just ideas they're still knocking around. i don't think there's anything firm yet. they want to get their people into office at the dni and cia before they determine the way forward. but one thing they are talking about is trying to find a way to rein in some of the power of the dni. it's an agency that obviously was created post-9/11 under the
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bush administration. there's a lot of criticism that the dni is a bit overbearing. it interferes too much with the runnings of the other intelligence agencies. and so that's a criticism that's been going on. that's a little out of date. what we'll see is trump people will get in to the dni and learn perhaps a lot of that stuff has changed. we do know, obviously, that mike flynn, who is at the right hand of the president-elect, is -- has been a critic of this system. he clashed repeatedly with the dni, james clapper. that led to his ouster from the obama administration. so perhaps some of that is coming from that direction. secondly, the other thing that the trump transition folks are talking about is possibly finding a way to get the cia back out into the field. they feel that under the obama administration, under post-bush, there was sort of a retrenchment that a lot of the cia capabilities were lost. that they've been relying a little too much on electronic
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spying, stuff from the national security agency, signals intelligence, so to speak, and they feel that perhaps the cia can go back to its old ways. these are things they'll look at when they get their folks into office. they'll see perhaps that perhaps there's a different direction. >> that's not entirely a new idea. the idea of getting away from too much of a dependence on signals. a reorganization a couple of years ago trying to put analysis closer to the agents in the field. having sort of pods out there. it's been around. >> let me get reaction from the trump team. you are there in new york. any reaction from trump or his transition team about these potential changes? >> wolf, the trump transition team is pushing back on these reports that they're considering paring down or limiting the scope of the u.s. intelligence community going after the director of national intelligence as an office that's overseeing the vast u.s. intelligence community.
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sean spicer was on a call with reporters earlier this morning saying it's just not accurate that these talks, if any, are occurring are tentative. >> the story out there in "the wall street journal" that is entitled donald trump plans to revamp a top spy agency. please note the following. quote, these reports are false. all transition activities are for information gathering purposes and all discussions are tentative. the president-elect's top priority will be to ensure the safety of the american people and the security of the nation. and he's committed to finding the best and most effective way to do that. i want to reiterate, there is no truth to this idea of restructuring the intelligence community infrastructure. it is 100% false. >> so there you have it. sean spicer pushing back on this mightily during that conference call with reporters. one other thing to note is that donald trump did put out a tweet on this subject of julian
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assange walking back that tweet that he posted yesterday essentially siding with assange against the u.s. intelligence community when it comes to hacking. donald trump in that tweet this morning saying that the dishonest media is saying that julian assange and i are 100% in agreement. he said that is wrong, wolf. >> all right, jim acosta in new york, over at trump tower. thanks very much. jim sciutto, let's play a clip, an exchange lindsey graham, senator from south carolina, and general clapper, listen to this exchange on donald trump and the national intelligence community. >> you're going to be challeng d ed tomorrow by the president-elect. are you okay with being challenged? >> absolutely. >> do you both welcome it? >> we do. >> do you think it's appropriate? >> we do. >> are you ready for the task? >> i think so.
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>> good. >> they are going to be briefing the president-elect of the united states tomorrow in new york city on all of this. the report that's been prepared, the president -- president obama is being briefed. he's being given the report today. trump will be given the report tomorrow. that could be a lively exchange. >> absolutely. listen, trump is almost -- he's virtually alone against the world on this. it's not just democrats and the obama administration saying that russia is behind the hacking or just the intelligence community. it's republicans and not just the grahams of the world but mcconnells and ryans, et cetera. what does he do now? and the fact of the matter is the intelligence he's going to hear tomorrow on the russian hacking, it's not going to be dramatically different from what he's seen in his briefing so far. they've already lifted the veil to give him, as the president-elect, a sense of why they believe russia is behind this. they'll go into greater detail. is there going to be photographic evidence? no. so it really becomes a question,
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does donald trump accept that assessment? and, you know, what's going to be inside his head on this? and that's just something we don't know. he could come out tomorrow, donald trump, and say, now that i've seen it, i demanded this information, now i'm convinces. or he could continue saying, i'm -- i don't trust the intelligence community.anxiousl his response and how he responds after he gets that report tomorrow. coming up, donald trump's refusal to accept russia's role in the hackings creates a divide in his own party. what's will it mean for his relationship with congress? and does the president-elect need to choose his words more carefully when it comes to the intel community? i'll ask republican senator john thune. he's here. he's my guest. lots to discuss right after the break.
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president-elect donald trump appears to be at a collision course right now with the u.s. intelligence community. the leaders testified today that they are more certain than ever that russia was directly behind the 2016 election hacking here in the united states. so far, the president-elect is not convinced. senator john thune of south carolina is the third ranking gop senator right now.
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senator thune, thanks for coming in. >> nice to be with you. >> do you accept the assessment of the intelligence community that it was russia and the highest levels of the russian government, putin, who were directly responsible? >> i think what they said today, that's what they believe. they'll file an official public report on monday. there are a couple of other hearings today on capitol hill in the foreign relations committee, where i think we'll get a better and better understanding of all of this. but i think there's no question that russia was involved. >> so you -- but you accept that? because the president-elect, at least so far, he's going to be briefed tomorrow on this new report in new york by clapper and the other leaders of the intelligence community. so far, he hasn't accepted it. he said it could be china, some guy on his bed? >> i think he'll get the briefing tomorrow from the intelligence community. i hope after he has that, you know, he'll be able to articulate probably in a more clear way his view about what actually happened and what the underlying motivations were,
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which i think a lot of that hopefully will come out in a report on monday. a lot of it in a more classified setting. there are more limitations on what to say in front of the senate armed sefrrvices committ. >> that's another question, what the motivation was. clapper said there were several moetsivations. he didn't want to spell them out. presumeamy, it's classified although in the report they'll go into more detail. he didn't want to do that today. why do you think trump has been so reluctant all these weeks to accept what the intelligence community has concluded? >> well, hopefully you'll get a better, i assume after he hears from the intelligence community tomorrow, he'll get a chance to talk to the public and express his views. that's probably a question for him to answer. i do think that when he ran for office, he, of course, there's a lot of skepticism and doubt about government, washington generally and, you know, previous instances where he's drawn into question some of the
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findings of the intelligence community. they'll probably bear on his opinions. after he gets a full report tomorrow he'll be able to come out and speak with clarity about his views on thus subject. >> he's going to get the most sensitive information, awl tll classified information that they'll not make public monday but he'll be privy like the president, president obama is, to the most sensitive information. lindsey graham, your republican colleague on the armed services committee said this. i want to play this clip of what he said based on everything he knows so far. >> if it were up to me, we'd all live in peace but putin is up to no good and better be stopped. and mr. president-elect, when you listen to these people, you can be skeptical, but understand, they are the best among us, and they are trying o protect us. >> are you with senator graham? >> sure. the people in the intelligence are like us. they're human.
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they're not going to get it right every time but they are hard working people that are hard working patriots. i hope the new administration will build a relationship with them because they'll have to have a relationship going forward. >> the other big issue, obamacare, the future of obamacare. president-elect trump repeatedly said on day one he wants to repeal and replace. repealing is easy. replacing, not so easy. that could take a long time. some say two years, three years, even four years. how long realistically will it take to replace obamacare? >> if you go about it in a step by step way, you can start that process much earlier. i think the question of whether it's two years or three years for something to be fully implemented is to give transition. you are talking about moving away from something, a 2700-page bill with 20,000-some pages of regulations. it's going to take awhile to create a transition, phase out or phase in, if you will. but in the end, we hope to come
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up witho ooan alternative that' better, more affordable, provides better access and more competition for people. >> the criticism of the republicans, including trump have received is you've railed against the affordable care act for six or seven years. finally, there's going to be a republican president, a republican majority in the house, republican majority in the senate. why aren't you ready on day one with legislation to not only repeal but come up with a plan that will replace it? >> we have -- because we've got literally a menu of options. members in the house and senate have introduced comprehensive bills, more targeted bills. i think you'll see in a systematic way us in a step by step way start early on to introduce legislation to start implementing our ideas. but it's going to take a period of time. you can't expect this to happen overnight. some of these ideas that have been worked on for several years, we have to sort of unify behind. there's a rubio bill, bill cassidy has a bill. richard burr and orrin hatch have a bill.
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we have to figure out the best path forward. >> on day one, what's going to happen? >> day one, we've got a budget resolution on the floor of repeal resolution which will pass next week. and then we will begin the process of going about how we replace that and over a period of time, look for something that comes up with a much better plan for people in this country that lowers premiums. and the thing that's clear, this isn't working. it's a broken system that has to be fixed. and everyone agrees upon that. how do you go about doing that? we think it makes more sense to have a market-based approach, creates more choices. >> republicans agree. democrats like it. they say it can be improved but they don't say it needs to be replaced. senator thune, thanks for coming in. a major report on russian hacking set to be made public next week. what sanctions would democrats like to see against the kremlin? i'll ask congressman james clyburn. he's oup on capitol hill. he'll weigh in right after the
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leading u.s. intelligence officials appear on capitol hill today confirming russia was behind the cyberhacking during the 2016 presidential election here in the united states. for more, i'm joined by the south carolina congressman james clyburn, the assistant democratic leader in the house. congressman, thanks very much for joining us. >> what struck you most about this testimony from the intelligence community leadership? >> nothing i'm surprised by from hearing in the testimony. what i am surprised by is perhaps any american citizen,
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irrespective of the president-elect of the united states, casting doubt upon our intelligence community. that, to me, is a bit untoward. i do believe that if we are going to continue to function as a free and open society, we have to rely upon those people that we put in place to help protect us and help warn us when there may be some dangers. and to cast aspersions upon them and doubt their work, i think is just untoward, and that is what bothers me more than anything else. we cannot afford to allow any foreign power to interrupt our democratic process in any way bring disrespect upon those we entrust our intelligence with. >> so how concerned are you that the incoming president has yet to accept this conclusion that
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russia did it? >> i am very concerned about that because i'm not too sure that this may not have more to do with business dealings than with what is best for running the government of our country. that is what bothers me. >> explain that, congressman. what do you mean business dealings? trump is more worried about making money as part of his trump organization business in russia? is that what you are suggesting? >> i suggest that unfortunately too many people in our society judge success by how much money you make rather than how much good you can do. and if you are going to use that as a total matrix, how much money you make as determining how successful you are, it may be that you put more emphasis on doing deals that make money than
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on doing deals that bring peace and stability to our country. >> but i just want to press you, congressman. what your saying about donald trump and russia? >> well, what's i'm saying is we know from the appointment of the secretary of state, or the nomination of the secretary of state, that it's all because of the success he has had doing business in russia. i have not heard anything about this appointee that in any way talk about his effectiveness as a citizen of the united states, as someone who will represent this country's interests or of the americans' interest but someone who has done a lot of good for a corporation. if we're not careful, especially after the citizens united decision which brought
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corporations back into the political process, that they've been out of for 100 years, we will be creating not a democracy, but a corpocracy. that means a government run by corporations. that's what the dictionary says that means and if we're not careful, we will have a government run by corporations rather than of the people, for p the people and by the people. >> rex tillerson was the chairman and ceo of exxonmobil. when he becomes secretary of state, if confirmed, it's assumed he'll have other motivations. the motivation will be the national security of the united states. >> that's exactly right. and so i don't want any of that compromised. that should be the motivation. and i would hope that the hearings that the senate will have, i'm asking my senior senator from south carolina lindsey graham, john mccain who
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has been a good friend over the years to really do what is necessary to get some answers on exactly what we can expect from this nominee going forward. right now i'm very concerned about that and i have talked to a lot of american people. a letter this morning from charleston county. this gentleman was writing me a letter expressing real concern about these appointments and about the president-elect's conduct and expressions going forward. >> james clyburn, the assistant democratic leader in the house of representatives. thanks for joining us. >> thank you so much for having me. coming up, the war over obamacare is on as president obama tells democrats don't rescue republicans with a replacement. so where does the fight go from here? the former health and human
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services secretary kathleen sebelius is here with me on why she thinks a repeal, not replacement, would be, in her words, pure chaos. tech: don't let a cracked windshield ruin your plans.
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and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support. the house speaker paul ryan says obamacare is broken and needs to be replaced. at a news conference this morning, ryan said there are hurdles to overcome before legislation can be introduced to repeal and replace it. >> what date all of this gets phased in on is something we do not now know because we're waiting for the trump administration to be stood up and tom price to be confirmed and become the secretary of health and human services. the question there is how long will it take for markets to put in place, for markets to adjust?
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that question we don't know the answer to but the legislating of obamacare will happen this year. >> ryan emphasized any legislation would be phased in, that americans will not have health care yanked out from under them. joining suskathleen sebelius who served as the health and human services secretary for the obama administration. also a former kansas governor. madam secretary, thanks for coming in. >> great to be with you. >> they have the votes now and the white house to go ahead and sign legislation into law. should the democrats try to obstruct or work with the republicans to come up with a better plan? >> i think the republicans are now seven years from the date that the president signed the law. he signed it in march of 2010. they have been trying to obstruct, destruct, repeal, get rid of this law. >> they never had a president who would sign any legislation. >> but amazingly, they don't have a plan. i think it's totally irresponsible for the speaker or
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anybody else to say we'll get rid of this and then we'll have something down the road, maybe, to replace it. >> he says they'll get rid of it but they'll not get rid of it until they have a specific plan ready to go. >> that isn't what they say. they'll vote to repeal and then eventually we will have a replacement. i'm saying they've had seven years. they have no replacement plan. no agreement. they've been running the house for years. there are 20 million people -- these are people people. people who talk to me every day. a woman who runs a great diner in lawrence who was able to open that diner because she could finally get insurance. people in the midst of chemotherapy. there are doctors who say they are seeing remarkable strides now that their patients get regular care. people who can fill their prescriptions. and the law has a lot to do with medicaid and medicare where one-third of americans get their insurance coverage. we need to see side by side what the plan is. >> let's say they repeal it but they none of the changes go into
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place until a specific plan approved by the house of representatives, the senate and signed in law by the president. should the democrats simply obstruct or work with them to come up with a new plan? >> what you'll have is chaos, as i've said earlier because insurance companies have to file rates within the next few months. if there's a repeal and no clear replacement, why as an insurer, would i ever take a chance on that market. if you'll get rid of the subsidies which 85% of people rely on who don't have an employer paying a share of the care. why would i get rid of it? republicans say they want to keep the ban on pre-existing conditions but they won't have a responsibility provision so everybody comes in. so it doesn't work. you can't keep some parts and not others. and i think they will destroy the market. i think the american public has a right to know what replaces it.
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the republicans say we have a plan. it will be cheaper and better. terrific. what is it? >> you just heard the speaker say by the end of the year, they'll have a plan ready to be announced. >> they are planning to repeal first. let the american people take a look. i think the democrats would be happy to wrk on a side by side proposal saying here are the features we have common ground on. here are the missing parts. how do we move forward? that makes sense. to say let's get rid of a plan that now has the lowest uninsured rates we've ever seen in this country, has dramatically improofd care for people with pre-existing condition who were locked out or priced out of the market. has eliminated jgender bias, where women were paying more than men. how to work on drug pricing, which everybody wants to come down. and how to make sure people don't just have access to care. you'll hear the republican leadership talk about it. i have access to a $6 million
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house. i can't buy a $6 million house because i don't have the income but i have access to it. access and coverage of two different things. >> kathleen sebelius, this will be a big fight this year. >> and it's been a big fight for years. >> we'll continue this conversation. thanks for joining us. coming up, the legal battle pitting the president-elect against a celebrity chef. what we're learning right now about a deposition that the president-elect was forced to give today, just days before the inauguration.
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cnn can you confirm president-elect trump sat for a legal deposition over a lawsuit against the chef. trump is suing the chef for backing out of a plan for a restaurant in trump's new hotel here in washington, d.c. let's talk about that and more. with us, susan page, abby philips, reporter for "the washington post" and dana bash, our chief political correspondent. it's pretty extraordinary. days before an inauguration, we see a president-elect of the united states sitting down.
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presumably a few hoirs in a deposition involving a lawsuit from his business dealings. >> extraordinary but not unexpected when the president-elect is donald trump. because not only is he a businessman who -- and most businessmen like him are involved in legal battles but he happens to be a businessman who is known to be litigious. though famous chef backing out of his hotel in washington, d.c., because of political differences. >> because of what the president said about mexicans. after the president said that, he said i can't have a restaurant -- >> this actually is related to his presidential campaign because of that what you just said.
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some legal issues have a tendency to sort of take time to work themselves out. wouldn't be surprised if this happens. >> there was another legal case involving trump university. he settled that and avoided any depositions. the chef said let's forget about it. i'll make some charitable contributions to veterans and others. let's just move on. but the trump organization including the president-elect deciding they're going forward with a lawsuit. >> there's real financial issues involved here. pulling out of a restaurant that was supposed to be of that quality at the last minute, was really a big deal. and jose andreas went on to be on the campaign trail with tr p trump's opponent hillary clinton doing stump speeches and so forth. the hotel is going to be this
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ongoing source. we have two contractors alleging that trump, or that they aren't going to be paid for the work they did on the hotel. this is stuff that is going on right now as we speak. he has not, you know, extracted himself from this organization. so for as long as that's the case, it's going to be a problem. >> big problem? little problem? what do you think? >> i think it's a surprise he didn't find some other path so when he's so busy putting an administration together he's taking seven hours for a deposition. not unprecedented. four previous presidents have sat for legal depositions during their terms of office. most recently bill clinton during the paula jones case. this is unusual and the timing takes away from the time he has to give to other government business he's doing and also from the focus. we're talking about this now, not about his plans on obamacare. >> he's pretty angry about this. and this statement, i'm not going to read the whole thing but they wanted to go forward and not settle because they say
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that the landlord, donald trump, is entitled to recover damages from unpaid rent, cost of buildout, lost profits and other expenses. and, by the way, the fact that he was angry about the fact that you pointed out so well he did it and -- he, jose andreas is a celebrity, did it in such a public way and went and campaigned for hillary clinton. >> he did tweet twice. let's settle this. forget about it. we'll make charitable contributions. the latest tweet about toyota. toyota motor said we'll build a new plant in baja, mexico, to build corolla cars for u.s. no way, build a plant in u.s. or pay big border tax. we should point out that toyota announcement, the announcement was actually made back in september. look at the stock value of toyota right now based on that one tweet that donald trump just posted. >> toyota, meet lockheed, meet boeing, meet the other companies that donald trump has singled
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out on the issue, not just of moving jobs overseas but perhaps bloated government contracts and so forth. the question is whether you'll see toyota respond in kind. the other thing as we get more of these and dig deeper into the real deal with these, the question is whether or not, we'll see what happens with toyota, but in the case of ford, whether they were already planning to move some of the jobs back to the united states and just decided to give donald trump credit because that's good politics. >> big issue for donald trump? >> and it almost doesn't matter what the truth is? it's like the act of tweeting is forcing people to react. these companies are starting to have, you know, people dedicated to monitoring the president-elect and soon to be president's tweets for implications that could have huge impacts on their value as a company and on their bottom line. it's a problem. >> it's going to be just the beginning. we're watching it very, very closely. guys, thanks very much. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching.
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i'll be back at 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." for our international viewers, amanpour is coming up next. for our viewers in north america, "newsroom with brooke baldwin" starts right after a quick break. a post using the hashtag "#justrobbedthesafe" so, what are we supposed to think? switching to geico could save you a bunch of money on car insurance. excellent point. case dismissed. geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance woo! because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer.
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top of the hour. you're watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. a remarkable day on our nation's capital. the heads of the cop intelligence agencies going up against their future leader. they insist russia was behind the hacking of the 2016 presidential election and add president-elect donald trump is not convinced is the truth. hours ago, the under secretary for defense for intelligence, the commander of u.s. cybercommand and the director of national intelligence all sat there in washington testifying before the senate panel doubling down on